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Hot sex - Rate Your Sex Drive & How It Effects Your Relationships

Your Sex Drive & How It Effects Your Relationships


This small questionnaire will only take a few moments. Try to answer the questions as honestly as you can, after all only you have access to the answers. Just make a note of your answers, then calculate your scoring; then you’ll find out how your sex drive is effecting your relationships!

Q1. How often do you have sex with your partner?
a) everyday. b) 2 or 3 times a week. c) 2 or 3 times a month. d) Less.
Q2. How often do you have sex with someone other than your partner?
a) everyday. b) 1 or 2 times a week. c) occasionally. d) Never.
Q3. How often do you think about having sex?
a) everyday. b) 2 or 3 times a week. c) 2 or 3 times a month. d) Less.
Q4. How often do you masturbate?
a) everyday. b) 2 or 3 times a week. c) 2 or 3 times a month. d) Less.
Q5. When having sex with your partner, do you ever use Sex Toys?
a) yes, a lot. b) yes, occasionally. c) I’ve tried it. d) Never.
Q6. When masturbating, do you ever use Sex Toys?
a) yes, a lot. b) yes, occasionally. c) I’ve tried it. d) Never.
Q7. Do you ever role-play when having sex, i.e. dressing up?
a) yes, a lot. b) yes, occasionally. c) I’ve tried it. d) Never.


In this segment, mark ALL the answers that apply!
Q8. What events are most likely to turn you on?
a) watching an x-rated movie (with your partner or on your own).
b) watching the Saturday Night premier, with the love scenes.
c) waking up/going to bed next to your partner
d) romantic dinner / evening for the two of you.
Q9. Where have you had sex?
a) in the bedroom
b) all over the house
c) in the garden
d) in a public place
Q10. What fantasies have you fulfilled?
a) yours
b) your partners
c) ones that you saw in an x-rated movie or magazine
d) none


Just tally the all the values beside the answers that you have selected; remember that questions 8, 9 and 10 may have multiple answers.
Q1. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q2. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q3. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q4. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q5. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q6. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q7. a)3 b)2 c)1 d)0 Q8. a)1 b)1 c)1 d)1 Q9. a)1 b)1 c)1 d)1 Q10. a)1 b)1 c)1 d)1

You have a very low sex drive. This may have a negative effect on your relationships. I know that a healthy relationship is not based on sex, they are based on trust, love, and communication. However intimacy leads to intimacy; what I mean is that there are different forms of intimacy, touch intimacy (non sexual, like hugs, caress, holding hands, massage, etc.), verbal intimacy and sexual intimacy. When you are have sexual intimacy with your partner you are laying the paving stones, for a more intimate relationship. You will have to try and loose some of your inhibitions allowing your partner the key, or at least lending him the key more often. You can obtain tutorial books and DVD’s on learning how to become more intimate with your partner.

You have a perfectly healthy and normal sex drive. This will have a positive effect on your relationships. Your sexual intimacy will lead to other forms of intimacy with your partner, ultimately taking you to the next level.

You have a high sex drive. This may have a negative effect on any relationships you have. You have to balance all the different aspects of intimacy; what I mean is that there are different forms of intimacy, touch intimacy (non-sexual, like hugs, caress, holding hands, massage, etc.), verbal intimacy and sexual intimacy. If you focus on just one, your relationships will struggle to get to next level. you need to understand that there are more to relationships than just sex. What I recommend is more masturbating to cure your urge so that you can focus on balancing intimacy types to try to take you to deeper relationship that is more meaningful. You can use sex toys for more satisfying masturbation!


How To Get A Girl To Have Sex With You


Without this powerful tool, even the most attractive men wont be able to take women home seduction. The average-looking man who knows how to seduce a woman will win every time over an extremely attractive man who doesnt know how. It is important that you know how to seduce, once you do, youll have the luxury of asking, My place or your?


When attracting a woman, it is important that you bring seduction to seal the deal. Just by having great looks will not invite a woman to sleep with you; you have to show her that you are really interested and cant leave without her. Its not a good idea to beat around the bush and try tricking the woman to sleep with you. Cheesy pickup lines will send you home to an empty bed every time.

A real player is honest and straightforward without being rude. By lying everything out for full view allows you to lure her in successfully. The thrill of the hunt comes from letting women know exactly what you want; how hard the woman plays will determine how hard he has to hunt. The use of seduction is a technique that can be used to get just about any woman into bed with you. The results of seduction are much more effective than any pickup line or beating around bushes. Follow these tips:

Physical attraction is very well needed. Be clean cut, fresh and well dressed.


Appear harmless. When a woman sees you are friendly and not attacking her, she will let her guard down, which will be easier for you to penetrate the fortress. Be charming. This is done by showing her that you are genuinely interested in her and only her.

Be intellectual. Engage in important conversations about politics or current affairs. By showing your intellect will make her value you and your opinion more. Seduce her emotionally. Women are emotional creatures. Give her a warm and fuzzy feeling. Show her spontaneity and excitement; that rush will addict her to you.


Show chivalry isnt dead. Women like to be treated like their special, so show the princess you can be a prince.Essence. By having it means mixing all of the tips together. This will turn you into an irresistible seduction machine. You must be genuine or women will reject you for being fake or trying too hard. After you seduce the woman youre after you will need to keep her interested by:

Make her feel beautiful. Score major points by making her feel like the most beautiful woman that has ever entered the earth, let alone your life.


Put her pleasures first. Dont show her that you are only interested in satisfying your own needs; cater to hers as well. Provide her with lots of pleasure. Giving her all the pleasure she needs will encourage her to return the favor. Deliver orgasms. Explore her body to see how you can do so; even if it means going downtown.